Huntington Water Main Break

Town crews are currently working on a water main break in the Huntington area. Residents may experience low water pressure and discoloration as crews turn and repair valves to isolate the leak and complete the repair. Should you experience discoloured water, please let the cold water run for a few minutes to flush your line clear, the water remains safe.


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Drumheller's Recreation Facilities Respond to Temporary COVID-19 Measures set by Provincial Government

Posted on Sep. 16 2021

In response to the Provincial update late September 15, the Town of Drumheller’s recreation facilities will remain open, with capacity and operating restrictions.

Drumheller’s recreation department will continue to welcome all members of the community in a safe manner by enhancing cleaning, physical distancing measures, one-third capacity limits, and encouraging users to stay home if unwell.

“At this time, we can better manage capacity restrictions and increased cleanliness than assessing users’ medical information by activating the Restriction Exemption Program (REP),” begins Darren Goldthorpe, Manager of Recreation Arts & Culture. “Our facilities have always been an inclusive space where all citizens and visitors feel welcome, and have opportunity to increase their quality of life in our community facility.”

Members and visitors of the facility must complete a COVID-19 assessment prior to attending any municipal recreation facility, and must not enter if presenting any symptoms.

As of today, below are the Government of Alberta restrictions for sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities for adult and youth users:

As of September 20: Adult (over 18) sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities

  • Indoor group classes and activities are not permitted.
  • Indoor competitions are paused except where vaccine exemptions have been granted.
  • Indoor one-on-one training and solo activities are allowed with 3 metre physical distancing.
  • Outdoor activities can continue with no restrictions.

As of September 16: Youth (under 18) sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities

  • Indoor group classes, training, and competitions are permitted, but participants are required to:
  • Screen for symptoms.
  • Maintain 2 metres distancing, except youth while engaged in physical activity.
  • Wear a mask, except youth while engaged in physical activity.
  • Spectator attendance is restricted to 1/3 fire code capacity, attendees are limited to a single household or 2 close contacts if living alone and must be masked and maintain 2 metres physical distancing.
  • Outdoor activities can continue with no restrictions.

Those registered in fitness classes will be credited or refunded. Currently, drop-in activities will also be postponed until further notice. Swimming lessons will continue, with participant and instructor safety to be top priority.

With regard to indoor and outdoor events, the Government of Alberta has additional restrictions:

  • Indoor wedding and funeral receptions are prohibited.
  • Outdoor ceremonies, services and receptions are permitted with up to 200 people and must follow liquor sales and consumption restrictions.
  • Indoor wedding ceremonies and funeral services are permitted with up to 50 people or 50% of fire code occupancy, whichever is less.

The Town of Drumheller’s Oktoberfest event, a highly anticipated two-day outdoor celebration, has been postponed until further notice.

Our recreation department appreciates everyone’s patience as more guidance is provided by the province. For more updates, please visit

Supporting documentation 

COVID-19 Public Health Actions

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