Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.

Public Participation

Delegations, Presentation and Petitions before Council 

Any person or group of persons wishing to make direct representation to Council shall advise the CAO office using the online submissions form not less than 7 days prior to the next Regular Council Meeting. The written submission shall state:

  1. the name of the person or group representative wishing to speak,
  2. their municipal and mailing addresses, phone numbers and email, and
  3. a description of the subject matter they wish to speak on.

The procedures for appearing before Council are established by the Council & Committee Meeting Procedure Bylaw.

For more information, please email

How to Appear Before Council as a Delegation

  • Complete the Request to Appear as Delegation Form and submit all supporting documents, including handouts and digital presentations by 4:30pm at least 7 days prior to the next next regular council meeting. 
  • Prepare to present for a maximum of 15 minutes, including a question and answer period 
  • Speak clearly, using the A/V equipment provided 
  • Be prepared for Council to ask clarifying questions 
  • The meeting is recorded and live-streamed  

Any taxpayer or Town of Drumheller resident shall have the opportunity to address Council, provided they have not addressed Council on the same subject within the previous 3 months. 
Council does not hear delegations regarding planning applications that have been or will be considered at a public hearing. 

Public Hearings

In accordance with Section 230 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), when this or another enactment requires Council to hold a public hearing on a proposed bylaw or resolution, the public hearing must be held, unless another enactment specifies otherwise,  

  • Before second reading of the bylaw, or 
  • Before Council votes on resolution  

Public Hearings are an opportunity for taxpayers to inform Council of support or opposition to certain items, such as Bylaws. 

When this or another enactment requires a public hearing to be held on a proposed bylaw or resolution, Council must  

  • Give notice of the public hearing in accordance with section 606 of the MGA, and 
  • Conduct the public hearing during a regular or special council meetings.   


Before the Public Hearing 

Residents can send written correspondence and petitions to Mayor & Council by   

  • By Mail or In Person: ATTN: Legislative Services Town of Drumheller, 224 Centre Street, Drumheller AB T0J 0Y4 
  • Email:   

All written submissions will form part of the public record via the meeting agenda. We ask those who submit any material to not include any personal information that otherwise should not be disclosed to the public. 

If you wish to speak at the Public Hearing you will be asked to register prior to the start of the Public Hearing. This is to have a record of presenters, to have people present in an orderly manner and allow for everyone to have an opportunity to be heard. 

Public Hearing Procedures

  • Mayor Open Public Hearing  
  • Mayors Introduction of Matter  
  • Brief presentation of the matter at hand  
  • Rules of Conduct 
  • Announcement of Public to Speak  
  • Public - Registered to Present In Person - 5 minute time limit  
  • Public - Registered to Present by Phone - 5 minute time limit  
  • Public - Written Submission Read Aloud - 5 minute time limit  
  • Mayor Call for Public Hearing to Close 


After the Public Hearing

When deliberating a third reading of a bylaw, Council takes into consideration not only the information received at the public hearing, but all the information gathered prior to the hearing.  
Council cannot accept any submissions once the public hearing has concluded.

Public Information Sessions & Open Houses

Council may host public information sessions, town halls and/or open houses to present and exchange related to specific topics of community interest.  This is a great opportunity for residents to receive accurate, factual information with an opportunity to ask questions. 

See Upcoming Public Information Sessions

Request to Appear as Delegation Form


Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) for administrative purposes of the Town of Drumheller. Personal information is protected from unauthorized use and disclosure in accordance with the Act and may only be used and disclosed as provided by the Act. Questions regarding the collection of personal information can be directed to the FOIP Coordinator, Town of Drumheller, 224 Centre Street, Drumheller Alberta, T0J 0Y4 403-823-1339

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