If your collection happens to be missed, please call 403-341-9300, or email rddispatch@e360s.ca.
Landfill, Waste Collection & Recycling
Drumheller & District Regional Landfill (Drumheller & District Solid Waste Management Association)
Hours of Operation as of January 1, 2025
- Monday to Friday 8:00AM – 4:30PM. Last load in at 4:15PM.
- Saturdays 10:00AM - 2:00PM. Last load in at 1:45PM.
- Closed Sundays and all statutory holidays, including National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
PO Box 808
2500 HWY 10 East
Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0
Garbage Collection is managed by the Town of Drumheller. Disposal is managed by The Drumheller & District Solid Waste Management Association (DDSWMA). The DDSWMA operates as its own entity. Each Member County, Municipality, and Town has a representative on the DDSWMA board of directors.
Items included in the Town of Drumheller garbage collection and disposal budget include
- Weekly curbside solid waste pick up (see below for schedule)
- The annual Community Clean up program, including 2 free solid vouchers per household
- Garbage carts
The DDSWMA is an approved, by Alberta Environment and parks to operate a Municipal Class II Landfill, which currently serves a population of approximately 30,000 and receives 20,000-25,000 metric tonnes of Municipal, Industrial & Commercial/Institutional waste per year. Visit drumhellerlandfill.com for more information.
Recycling Facilities are available at the landfill.
Garbage Collection Schedule
Find your pickup time
Find your pickup zone by tapping a zone in the map above or by entering in your address