Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.


The Scatter Garden officially opened July 21, 2022

Drumheller Municipal Cemetery 

900 11 Street SE  
Drumheller, AB  

The Drumheller Municipal Cemetery dates back to 1912. At our cemetery, you will find well-maintained plots, columbaria, and a memorial wall kept company by a beautiful array of well-manicured grass, shrubs, and trees. 

Internment Process 

We understand that the death of a loved one is overwhelming. The Town of Drumheller wishes to extend help to you during this difficult time in your life. 

There are two types of interment in the Drumheller Municipal Cemetery: Casket Burial or Cremains. 

Standard cemetery plots can hold a maximum of two caskets plus four cremains. Cremains can be interred in an existing cemetery plot or within a columbarium. A columbarium is an upright concrete structure that can hold up to two cremains per niche. A cremains plot is an in-ground interment and can also hold a maximum of two cremains.

Starting July 21, 2022, cremains can be scattered in our Scatter Garden, with or without a memorial plaque. See Cemetery Packages and Costs for more details.

Cemetery Work Permits 

All monument placements require a complete Cemetery Work Permit that must be approved before any work commences. Monument placement must be in accordance with the Cemetery Bylaw.  There is no charge to these permits.  

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