Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.

Snow Removal

Snow Removal in the Drumheller Valley

On January 25, 2021 at a Regular Council Meeting, the 2021 Snow Removal Strategy was approved. Included in this updated policy were a number of changes: removing "Zero Tolerance" to "Accumulation of 2.5 Centimetres of Snow", as well as eliminating some streets and sidewalks. 

Please review the following sections to learn more about the changes in the adopted snow removal policy. 

Type your address into the module below to discover how your property is described in the snow removal strategy.  Please note that the module below is currently under review as of November 2025, and may not be available to all addresses






All All Rename “Zero Tolerance” to “No Accumulation Greater Than 2.5cm”

The Town's present equipment cannot effectively remove snow less than 2.5cm deep in accumulation. 

Efforts to do so are inefficient and add equipment run time without appreciable benefit.

Nacmine 1 Street Removed Plowing of 1 Street was replaced with 2 Street to align with the community exit on to Highway 575

North River Drive; 

15 Street to 17 Street

Convert to Stage 2: Plow and Remove Improve work efficiency on North River Dr.  Insufficient room for “Plow to Shoulder” so altered to “Plow and Remove”

14 Street NW;

1 Avenue NW to 2 Avenue NW

Convert to Stage 1 Plow and Remove Insufficient room for “Plow to Shoulder” so altered to “Plow and Remove”
Newcastle 12 Street W; Newcastle Trail to 1 Avenue W

Convert to Stage 1 Plow and Remove

Upgrade from Stage 2 to ensure community access
Downtown Veterans Way Corrected Alignment Location incorrectly marked
Downtown 1 Street W; 2 Avenue W to Riverside Drive W Added to Stage 1 Plow and Remove Road added for completeness and access to Downtown

North Railway Ave;

1 Street E to 2 Street E
Convert to Stage 1 Plow to Shoulder  

Riverside Drive;

Centre Street to 3 Street E
Convert to Plow and Remove from Plow to Shoulder/Windrow Insufficient room for “Plow to Shoulder” so altered to “Plow and Remove”

6 Avenue E;

8 Street E to 9 Street E

Added to Stage 1 Plow and Remove

Road added for completeness and access to Downtown


7 Avenue E; east of 19 Street E

Removed from Stage 2

Road removed as fit criteria in policy and has not required clearing by Town staff in recent years.

Service Road North of Highway 10

Added to Stage 1 Plow to Shoulder/Windrow Added for completeness and improved work efficiency.

Pinter Drive; east of Pinter Road

Added to Stage 1 Plow to Shoulder/Windrow

Added to allow for community access and improved work efficiency.


Highway 10X

Convert from Stage 1 Plow and Remove to Stage 1 Plow to Shoulder Altered to match actual work activities.

4 Street W; east of 2 Avenue W

Added to Stage 1 Plow to Shoulder/Windrow Added for completeness and improved work efficiency.
East Coulee

2 Avenue W;

8 Street to 1 Street

Extend to 1 St and Convert to Stage 1 Plow and Remove

Additional blocks added for completeness and community access.  Insufficient room for “Plow to Shoulder” so altered to “Plow and Remove”


Parking Lots





Downtown World Largest Dinosaur Parking/Chamber/Aquaplex /Arena Added as Stage 1 Clearly added to the Strategy to ensure that these facilities are accessible by the public
Downtown 104 - 2 Street W Added as Stage 2 Clearly added to the Strategy to ensure that these facilities are accessible by the public

295 & 299 - 2 Street E

Added as Stage 2 Clearly added to the Strategy to ensure that the Downtown Business Core is accessible to the public
Downtown Badlands Community Facility Corrected Area marked corrected for accuracy
Downtown Town Hall  Corrected Area marked corrected for accuracy
Downtown 340 & 350 1 Street W Corrected Area marked corrected for accuracy
Downtown 273 & 257 Centre Street Removed The Town is no longer responsible for this lot.







Nacmine Hunter Drive; between 3 Street and 5 Street Reduced  Reduced to just be the frontage of the Town’s property
Nacmine Hunter Drive; Utility Lot Added Added as this is Town owned.

Hunter Drive; 586

Added Added as this is Town owned.
Newcastle Newcastle Trail; 938 and 936 Removed Removed as these lots are private property
Industrial Secondary Highway 575; Premier Road to 12 Street Identified for removal from work plan April 30, 2021 Removed as these lots are private property
Midland Trail east of Marshall Estates Added

First 100m is currently being cleared but is not shown on strategy.  Added for accuracy and completeness.

South Drumheller

1 Street W; west side at

7 Avenue W
South Drumheller   Identified for removal from work plan April 30, 2021 Removed as this lot is private property

Hwy 9/56

both sides 3 Avenue N to Riverside Drive
Identified for removal from work plan April 30 2021 Significant portions of these blocks are private property and are identified for removal from work plan April 30 2021.  Town will only maintain the sidewalk in front of parking lots and Munchie Park.
Downtown Riverside Drive; south sidewalk east of Centre Street Removed Removed as this lot is private property
Downtown 273 & 257 Centre Street Removed The Town is no longer responsible for this lot.
Bankview 8 Avenue; South side at 3 St W Removed The Town will clear the sidewalk of the Community Garden.  The additional half block is private property.
Hillsview 10 Avenue; south side Modified The unsold lots are the responsibility of the Town.  The sold lots are private property and the responsibility of the owners.
South Drumheller Hwy 9/56, south of Hwy 10, east side Identified for removal from work plan April 30 2021

The bulk of this section are sidewalks that front private property.  The Town will maintain the section fronting Town property the rest should be dealt with by the property owners

South Drumheller Hwy 9/56, south of Hwy 10, west side Identified for removal from work plan April 30 2021

The bulk of this section are sidewalks that front private property.  The Town will maintain the section fronting Town property the rest should be dealt with by the property owners

Rosedale Hwy 10, north side 1 Street W to Rosebud River Identified for removal from work plan April 30 2021 Removed as this lot is private property


Tier Legend

Stage 1: Snow will be removed upon driving surface having a packed accumulation of 2.5cm.
Stage 2: Snow will be removed upon driving surface having a packed accumulation of 5cm.
Stage 3: Snow will be removed upon driving surface having a packed accumulation of 15cm.
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