Huntington Water Main Break

Town crews are currently working on a water main break in the Huntington area. Residents may experience low water pressure and discoloration as crews turn and repair valves to isolate the leak and complete the repair. Should you experience discoloured water, please let the cold water run for a few minutes to flush your line clear, the water remains safe.

Council Boards & Committees

Town of Drumheller Boards and Committees

Town of Drumheller boards and committees are directly created by the Town of Drumheller Council through bylaw or resolution of Council in order to fulfill a need within the community. All members of these boards are appointed by resolution of Council. 

The details regarding the 2023-2024 council appointments for boards and committees can be found here. 

if you are interested in applying to any of these boards, please complete the volunteer application and send the completed application to 

Vacancies for the Town of Drumheller Boards and Committees will be posted on our Career Opportunities Page. 

Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC)

The Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) is responsible for advising Council on opportunities and challenges pertaining to the Economic, Cultural and Environmental improvement of the Town of Drumheller.  For more information, please see Bylaw #12.18 - Establishment of Economic Development Advisory Committee. 

Voting Members: 

  • (1) Mayor
  • (1) Councillor
  • (5) Members-at-Large
  • (1) Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce Representative 
  • (1) Community Futures Drumheller Representative

Non-Voting Members: 

  • (1) Chief Administrative Officer (Advisory) 
  • (1) Economic Development Officer (Advisory

Meeting Dates: 

  • 1:30 PM, Third Friday of the Month, or as needed
  Member Position Name Term
1. Mayor Heather Colberg Annual
2. Councillor Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk Annual
5. Chair/Member at Large Brian Yanish 2023
6. Chamber of Commerce Rep.  Bob Sheddy 2026
7. Community Futures Rep.  Jackie Watts 2026
8. Member at Large Julia Fielding 2023
9. Member at Large Jason Martin 2023
10. Member at Large Esther Againku 2024
  C.A.O Darryl Drohomerski  
  Ec. Dev. Officer Reg Johnston  
  Recording Secretary  Mitchell Visser  


Emergency Management Commitee

The Emergency Advisory Committee is responsible for reviewing the Community Emergency Management Plan and and offering guidance and direction for related emergency management plans and programs. For more information, please see Bylaw #12.21 - Community Emergency Management.

Voting Members:

  • (1) Mayor
  • (2) Councillors

Non-Voting Members:

  • (1) CAO / Director of Emergency Management (DEM)
  • (1) Director of Emergency Protective Services (EPS)

Meeting Dates:

  • Ad-Hoc


  Member Position Name Term
1. Mayor Heather Colberg Annual
2. Council Representative Patrick Kolafa  Annual
3. Council Representative Tony Lacher Annual
  C.A.O (Advisor) Darryl Drohomerski  
  Director of EPS (Advisor) Greg Peters  

Drumheller Housing Administration (DHA)

the Drumheller Housing Administration (DHA) is a management body established by the Alberta Housing Act and governed by the Social Housing Accommodation Regulation (SHAR). The DHA is responsible for the governance and operation of affordable housing on behalf of the Town. The DHA was formed and is currently governed by Ministerial Order No. H:088/95. 

Voting Members

  • (1) Councillor 
  • (4) Members at large

Non-Voting Members

  • (1) CAO of DHA
  • Other Advisory positions 

Meeting Dates: 

  • Quarterly, or as needed


  Member Position Name Term
1. Council Representative  Crystal Sereda  Annually
2. Member at Large Patrice Wolf 2026
3. Member at Large Brendon Huntley 2025
4. Member at Large Gerald Martynes 2025
5. Member at Large James Forbes 2027
  CAO of DHA Bob Sheddy  
  Recording Secretary  Cass Houston  


Drumheller Municipal Airport Commission (DMAC)

The DMAC is responsible for operating the Drumheller Municipal Airport and is authorized make applications for Provincial and Federal funding for the purpose of upgrading and constructing improvements to the existing Airport. The DMAC employs an Airport Manager to handle the day-to-day operations. to learn more about this board, please see Bylaw #33.08 - Establishment of Drumheller Municipal Airport Commission.

Voting Members: 

  • (1) Councillor
  • (1) Chief Administrative Officer, or designate
  • (5) Members at large

Non-Voting Members:

  • Other members are appointed to act in a advisory capacity, as deemed necessary by the Town Council. 

Meeting Dates: 

  • Quarterly, or as needed


# Member Position Name Term
1. Councillor Mayor Heather Colberg Annually
2. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Darryl Drohomerski Annually
3. Member at Large Catherine Bonneville 2027
4. Member at Large Dr. Robert Graham 2027
5. Member at Large Patrick Bonneville 2026
6. Member at Large Matthys Niel 2025
7. Member at Large Bob Sheddy 2026
  Dir. of Infrastructure Serv. (Advisor) Dave Brett  
  Operations Manager (Advisor) Kevin Blanchett  
  Airport Manager (Advisor)  Denis Dilworth  
  Recording Secretary Jessica Schatz  


Drumheller Policing Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Drumheller Policing Advisory Committee (DPAC) is a committee established by the Council of the Town of Drumheller for the purpose of providing a forum to receive input from the community with respect to public safety matters, objectives and priorities. The underlying philosophy of the Committee is to provide safe, effective and fair policing through community input. Community organizations and individuals that wish to appear before, or communicate directly with Council on any community policing matter, discuss policing matters, may be encouraged to contact and make a presentation to the DPAC for support, input, or information.

Voting Members: 

  • (2) Members of Council (plus one alternative)  
  • (5) Members-at-Large

Non-Voting Members: 

  • (1) Director of Emergency and Protective Services  (Advisory) 
  • (1) Drumheller Detachment Staff Sergeant (Advisory) 

Meeting Dates:

  • Quarterly, or as needed 
  Member Position Name Term
  Director of EPS (Advisor)  Greg Peters Permanent
  Staff Sergeant (Advisor) Robert Harms  Permanent
1. Councillor Crystal Sereda Annual
2.  Councillor Vacant Annual
2. Chair/Member at Large Ritesh Ram  
4. Member at Large Shaylen Farwell  
5. Member at Large Alexander Sam  
6.  Member at Large Jessica Hansen  
7.  Member at Large Vacant  
  Recording Secretary  Janice Armstrong  


Drumheller Public Library Board

The Drumheller Public Library Board is responsible for the governance of the Drumheller Public Library. The Drumheller Public Library is a member of the Marigold Library System, The Regional Automation Consortium (TRAC), and The Alberta Library (TAL) and is regulated by the Alberta Libraries Act and Libraries Regulation. The Library Board employs a Director of Library Services to manage the day-to-day operations of the library. for more information please see Bylaw 18.19 - Establishment of Drumheller Public Library. and the Drumheller Public Library Website.

Members appointed by Council:  

  • Between (1) and (2) Councillors
  • Between (5) and (10) Board Trustees

Meeting Schedule:

  • 7:00pm, second Wednesday of the month, or as needed. 
  Member Position Name Term
1. Council Representative Stephanie Price Annual
2. Chairperson Samantha Haddon 2024
3. Vice Chair James Foster 2023
4. Secretary  Tracy Abildgaard 2025
5. Treasurer Caleb Brown 2024
6. Board Trustee Vacant N/A
7. Board Trustee Mitchell Barry 2024
8. Board Trustee Jade Scott 2024
9. Board Trustee Cheryl McNeil 2026
10. Board Trustee Dune Sataere 2026
  Director of Library Services Emily Hollingshead  


Municipal Planning Commission (MPC)

The Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) is authorized to receive, consider and make decisions on applications for development in accordance with the administrative procedures, land use districts, and schedules established in the Town of Drumheller Land Use Bylaw (LUB) and Municipal Government Act (MGA). For more information, please see Bylaw #16.20 - Town of Drumheller Land Use Bylaw and #32.08 - Establishment of Development Authority.

Voting Members: 

  • (2) Councillors
  • (5) Members at large

Non-Voting Members: 

the Development Officer and representatives from Palliser Regional Municipal Services sit on the board in an advisory-capacity as non-voting members. 

Meeting Dates: 

12:00 PM, every second Thursday, or as needed. 


  Member Position Name Term Expiry
1. Chair/Council Representative  Crystal Sereda Annually
2. Council Representative Tony Lacher Annually
3. Member-at-Large Shelley Rymal 2026
4. Member-at-Large Andrew Luger 2025
5. Member-at-Large Art Erickson 2027
6. Member-at-Large Kirk McLean 2024
7. Member-at-Large Aaron Hamilton 2027
  Development Officer & CAO (Advisor) Darryl Drohomerski  
  Development Officer in Training (Advisor) Vacant  
  CEO, Palliser Regional Municipal Services (Advisor)  Devin Diano  


Taxi Commission

The Taxi Committee is a Committee of Council that consists of two (2) Councillors and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), or their designate. The Taxi Committee meets on an Ad Hoc basis to discuss issues surrounding the regulation of taxis within the community.

Voting Members:  

  • (1) Director of Emergency and Protective Services (EPS)
  • (2) Councillors 

Meeting Dates: 

  • Ad-Hoc


  Member Position Name Term
1. Director of EPS Greg Peters Permanent
2. Council Representative Lisa-Hansen-Zacharuk Annual
3. Council Representative Stephanie Price Annual


Tourism Corridor and Community Standards Appeal Board

The Tourism Corridor and Community Standards Appeal Board consists of three (3) members of Council that are appointed on an Ad-Hoc basis to review any appeals issued under the Tourism Corridor property Standards Bylaw 04.19 , the Community Standards Bylaw 06.19, Sections 545 and 546 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and the Weed Control Act (WCA). For more information please see Bylaw 04.19 - Tourism Corridor Property StandardsBylaw 06.19 - Community Standards, and 08.19 - The Tourism Corridor and Community Standards Appeal Board. 

Voting Members: 

  • (3) Councillors

Meeting Dates: 

  • Ad-Hoc, based on the submission of appeals


# Member Position Name Term
1. Council Representative Vacant (appointed Ad-Hoc) Until Appeal Decision Date
2. Council Representative Vacant (appointed Ad-Hoc) Until Appeal Decision Date
3. Council Representative Vacant (appointed Ad-Hoc) Until Appeal Decision Date


Regional Boards and Committees

Regional Boards and Committees are Boards or Committees that the Town has a vested interest in, but are not directly created by the Town of Drumheller. These boards may be created by ministerial order, or as part of an agreement between several municipalities. These boards may require representation from an elected official, or an elected official may have requested to sit on the board due to the benefit that board contributes to the community. 

if you are interested in applying to any of these boards, please contact the chair of the board or the councilor representative. 

Vacancies for Regional Boards and Committees and other volunteer opportunities will be posted in the Volunteer Connect Newsletter. To sign up for our newsletter, be visit our Volunteer Opportunities Page.

Community Futures Big Country

Community Futures Big Country is a non-profit organization that provides specialized business training programs, regular business networking events, and flexible business loans on offer to encourage local economic development Community Futures Big Country is funded by Prairies Economic Development Canada, as a part of the larger Community Futures organization. Community Futures of Canada has been supporting small business and rural economic diversification since 1986, and now has 267 offices across the country. For more information, please visit their website here.

Central Alberta Regional Assessment Review Board (RARB)

The Central Alberta Regional Assessment Review Board (RARB) is an independent quasi-judicial board established by the authority of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), this board is responsible for making decisions regarding property assessment complaints.

All Property assessment complaints for the Town of Drumheller are heard by the Central Alberta RARB. Meetings are held on an Ad-Hoc basis. For more information please their website.

Drumheller Area Health Foundation

The Drumheller Area Health Foundation in a non-profit organization incorporated on March 22, 1994 that seeks to enhance existing programs related to health care in the Drumheller Area. the Board of Directors meet monthly to review requests for funding from various medical units associated with the Drumheller Health Centre. The Board consists of Municipal Designates from the Country of Wheatland, Starland Country and the Town of Drumheller and six (6) members at large from the surrounding communities. for more information, please visit their website.

Drumheller Community Learning Society (DCLS)

Drumheller Community Learning Society (DCLS) provides and and promotes life-long learning opportunities to empower community members. the DCLS is a grassroots community-based organizations provides, promotes and increases access to foundational learning opportunities in areas such as Adult Literacy, Numeracy, English Language Learning, Basic Digital Skills, Foundational Life Skills and Community Capacity Building.

Board members will be recruited from community agencies which may be in a position to provide input on educational opportunities for the community. In addition, interested community members who identify themselves to the board will be considered.

For more information, please visit their website here.

Drumheller & District Chamber of Commerce (DDCC)

The Drumheller & District Chamber of Commerce is a membership-based organization comprised of businesses, organizations and individuals, committed to building a strong business community. The DDCC is governed by a maximum of 13 Board members, including 12 elected members and one appointee from the Town of Drumheller. For more information, please visit their website. 

Drumheller & District Seniors Foundation (DDSF)

The Drumheller & District Seniors Foundation is mandated with contributing a high quality of life for Drumheller and area seniors through the provision of affordable and supportive accommodation.  DDSF is established by Ministerial Order No. H:087/95, under the Alberta Housing Act and includes five (5) Council Representatives from the Municipal Distract of Starland No. 47, the Town of Drumheller, the Village of Delia, the Village of Morin and the Village of Munson. For more information, please see their website.

Meeting Schedule: 

  • 4:00 PM, 4th Thursday of the Month, or as required. 

Drumheller & District Solid Waste Management Association (DDSWMA)

In 1979 several rural municipalities joined with the Town of Drumheller to form the Drumheller and District Solid Waste Management Association (DDSWMA). Their purpose is to serve the solid waste disposal needs 15 Regional Members. for more information, please visit their website. 


Drumheller Stampede and Agriculural Society (DSAS)

the Drumheller Stampede and Agricultural Society (DSAS) is a volunteer-based non-profit organization that operates the Rodeo Grounds and the Dinosaur Downs Speedway. The DSAS is part of the Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies (AAAS). Ag Societies fill the needs of their communities by providing education in Agriculture, organizing and hosting sports, cultural and recreational events. For more information, please visit their website here


Palliser Intermunicipal Subdividison and Development Appeal Board

The Palliser Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (ISDAB)  was formed in 2020 by participating municipal members of Palliser Regional Municipal Services (PRMS) through a collection of enacting bylaws. The Palliser ISDAB is authorized to render decisions on appeals resulting from decisions of a Subdivision Authority or a Development Authority in accordance with the MGA, the Subdivision and Development Regulation, the local Land Use Bylaw and statutory plans. More more information, please see their website and the following resources:

Palliser Regional Municipal Services

Palliser Regional Municipal Services provides professional planning and mapping services to 25 municipalities in south eastern Alberta. The Board of Directors for Palliser provides overall direction for the operation of the Agency. The Board meets 6 times per year or as required, and consists of 7 members. For more information, please see their website. 

Red Deer River Municipal Users Group

Red Deer River Municipal Users Group (RDRMUG) is an association of rural and urban municipalities.  The Group Membership is composed of municipalities within the Red Deer River Basin and communities who receive water from the Red Deer River. RDRMUG provides a forum for municipalities to discuss interests relating to supply use, delivery of water in the Red Deer River Basin. For more information, please see their website.



Valley Bus Society

Valley Bus Society is a non-profit organization created to ensure that accessible transportation is available for persons with disabilities, and senior citizens. There is a Manager that is employed by Valley Bus Society. The Society consists of nine (9) members, including two (2) representatives from the Town of Drumheller. 

Temporary Boards and Task Forces

A Task Force is similar to a Town of Drumheller Board or Committee, however, a Task Force is only intended to operate for a specific period of time in order to address a specific task. All members of these boards are appointed by resolution of Council.

if you are interested in applying to any of these boards, please complete the volunteer application and send the completed application to 

Vacancies for the Town of Drumheller Boards and Committees will be posted on our Career Opportunities Page. 

CN Trail Fundraising Task Force (Rails to Trails)

The CN Fundraising Task Force, also known as the Rails to Trails Taskforce, is responsible for fundraising for items that complement the CN Trail System. The CN Trail System is a system of abandoned rail lines within the Valley that the Town of Drumheller is developing into a multi-use urban trail system. '

Voting Members: 

  • (6) Members from the community and Council.

Non-Voting Members:

  • (1) Mayor 

Meeting Dates: 

  • As needed. 
  Member Position Name Term
1. Council Representative/ Treasurer Crystal Sereda 2025
2. Council Representative Pat Kolafa 2025
3. Chair Jason Blanke 2025
4. Member-at-Large Becky Kowalchuk 2025
5. Member-at-Large Courtney Bell 2025
6. Member-at-Large Madison Colberg 2025
7. Member-at-Large Tyler Eddy 2025
  Mayor Heather Colberg  


Resiliency and Flood Mitigation Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

The Resiliency and Flood Mitigation Community Advisory Committee is responsible for:

  1. working with the Flood Mitigation Office to  understand the purpose and scope of the Flood Mitigation Program in order to guide engagement with the public
  2. Connecting with the community affected by the Resiliency and Flood Mitigation Program, and reporting back to the Resiliency and Flood Mitigation Office with the community's concerns.

for more information, please the the Flood Readiness website.


Sports Council Task Force

On June 17, 2024 the Town of Drumheller established the Sports Council Task Force. The Sports Council Task Force is established for the purpose of developing a terms of reference for a permanent Sports Council that will identify and develop sport-related opportunities in the Town of Drumheller. 

The Sports Council Task Force Consists of the following members: 

# Position Member Term
1 Member-at-Large Linda Traquair December 31, 2024
2 Member-at-Large Robert Visser December 31, 2024
3 Member-at-Large Kristi Murphy December 31, 2024
4 Member-at-Large Debra Walker December 31, 2024
5 Member-at-Large Rachel Graf December 31, 2024
6 Member-at-Large Ken Fournier December 31, 2024
7 Member-at-Large Krymsen Suelzle December 31, 2024
8 Member-at-Large Melanie Hardy December 31, 2024
9 Member-at-Large Blair Christianson December 31, 2024
10 Advisor Rick Ladouceur n/a

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