UPDATE: Huntington Water Main Break

Currently, the Huntington booster station has been powered down, resulting in low to no water pressure in the area. A booster station is an essential piece of municipal infrastructure as it increases/maintains water pressure in surrounding neighbourhoods. Due to the nature of the replacement, 10 Avenue SE between 1 and 2 Street SE is currently closed. Residents should avoid the area until work is complete.


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Town of Drumheller COVID-19 Response

Posted on May. 1 2020

Yesterday, the Province of Alberta announced their "Opening Soon" relaunch strategy.
In keeping with the policy and directive with the Government of Alberta, The Town of Drumheller has the following updates:

With Provincial clarifications received today, private campgrounds in Drumheller may re-open immediately. The order issued on April 23, 2020 is rescinded. AHS guidelines will be in effect and will be monitored to ensure campgrounds are maintaining appropriate prevention measures.

The thru plan launched last week including barricades placed throughout town to encourage Local Traffic Only, will remain in effect until Stage 1 of the "Opening Soon" strategy is implemented, which is scheduled for May 14, 2020. This does not affect our surrounding residents who work in town and utilize local services. They are considered part of the local community and will continue to be welcomed.

The Director Emergency Management Darwin Durnie explains, "the announcement yesterday from the Province is encouraging. We have transitioned from fighting the pandemic to managing the risk. However, we wish to remind everyone that we are still under a State of Public Health Emergency. Our facilities and attractions remain closed and we are still concerned that an increased number of visitors could increase the spread of COVID-19 to our community and if an injury occurs, it will put stress on our small local health care system. We want to have all available resources for the management of COVID-19. We continue to respond in a careful, compassionate and caring manner and the safety of our community is our first priority."

Mayor Colberg is hopeful the "Opening Soon" strategy will help the Town recover from this devastating pandemic. "I was pleased to hear the Premier's announcement yesterday. I'm glad our campgrounds can begin to open and welcome a limited number of visitors. However, the barricades will remain in place as a reminder that we are not out of the woods yet. If we open the barricades and let visitors into Town we run the risk of becoming infected and shutting down completely again. So we will begin to re-open slowly and continue to clean clean clean, and maintain social distancing. Together we can get through this."

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