Information for Voters

Why You Should Vote

Voting in a municipal election is an important civic duty and gives you a direct say in shaping local governance. Municipal elections determine who will represent the community in positions such as Mayor, Town Councillor, or School Trustee. These elected officials make decisions that impact daily life in Drumheller, including local policies on infrastructure, local services, taxes, education, and zoning.

By voting, you ensure your voice is heard in shaping Drumheller’s future. It's an opportunity to elect leaders who reflect your values and priorities, and it strengthens the democratic process by ensuring the government is accountable to the people it serves. Moreover, a higher voter turnout in municipal elections often leads to more representative leadership that truly reflects the diversity of the population.

Participating in municipal elections is also a way to support the health of democracy, as it encourages community engagement and fosters a sense of belonging and responsibility toward shared goals in the Town of Drumheller.

Can I Vote?

You are eligible to vote in the municipal election if on election day you: 

  • Are named on the Elector's Register 
  • Are at least 18 years old; 
  • Are a Canadian citizen; and 
  • Are a resident of the Town of Drumheller.

How do I Vote?

Due to changes in the Local Authorities Election Act, municipalities are required to maintain a Permanent Elector's Register of residents who are eligible to vote. Any individual who wishes to vote on Election Day (October 20, 2025) must be on this register. To ensure you are on this register, please register with Elections Alberta’s Provincial Registry.

To vote, you must also supply at least one (1) piece of identification that: 

  • proves that you are a resident in the jurisdiction; and  
  • has been issued by a Canadian Government (Federal, Provincial or Municipal) or an agency of the Government; and  
  • includes a photograph 

A complete list of Voter Identification Requirements can be found on the Government of Alberta’s Municipal Elections Website, below:  

Where and When to Vote

Advanced voting days: 

Election day: 

Voting stations may also be set up in designated nursing homes, long-term care facilities, hospitals, and similar facilities for the purpose of taking resident's votes. You can contact us for more information at

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