Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.

Summer @ the Plaza

Summer at the Plaza - Entertainers Wanted for 2025!


Join us in the heart of downtown for Summer @ the Plaza, a vibrant series of events designed to bring our community together and showcase the best our town has to offer. Our mission is to draw people to the downtown core while gaining an audience for these exciting summer events.

In collaboration with local businesses, organizations, and individuals, we aim to raise awareness of the wonderful opportunities available right here in our town. Come and enjoy an evening of live entertainment at the Plaza from 6:30-8:30pm. You can look forward to live music, games, and much more!

The festivities will take place every Friday and Saturday night from July 5th to September 1st. Everyone is welcome! Bring a lawn chair, a picnic, support our local vendors or just bring the family to enjoy a delightful evening downtown.

Downtown Plaza
340 1st Street West
Drumheller AB

Summer at the Plaza Brochure (2024)

Summer at the Plaza - Request to Perform

Summer @ the Plaza will run for nine weeks (18 performance dates) throughout July and August. These dates will be on Fridays and Saturdays, with a special Labour Day Weekend event! 

Please fill out this form if you are interested in performing. 



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