
Tournament Description and Overview


This tournament is governed by the Town of Drumheller’s Recreation, Arts & Culture Department and will use the Badlands Community Facility (BCF) fieldhouse. Please respect the BCF facilities so we can continue using them. If respect is not shown, access to the facilities will be lost. 

  • No Outdoor Shoes in any fieldhouse facility. 
  • No Marking running shoes. 
  • Leave the fieldhouse the way you found it. Throw away your garbage in designated areas. 
  • Players should arrive at the fieldhouse no more than 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. 

If you do not adhere to the rules, then you will be asked to leave the facility, be ejected from the game, OR possibly removed from the tournament. 


  • The tournament will provide volleyball nets, volleyballs, and scoreboards. 
  • Any other equipment (i.e. knee pads) is optional but recommended (NOT provided by the tournament). 
  • Players must wear appropriate court shoes – NO marking shoes. 


  • The game shall be played between 2 teams with 6 players on the floor at a time 
  • Minimum 4 players on the floor to play - 2 must be female. 
  • If the minimum roster requirements are not met, then the team will lose by default. 
  • The tournament recommends teams of 10 players to avoid defaults.  
  • A person may only play for one team & be on one team roster. 
  • All genders are welcome. 


  • All team jersey designs & names must be socially & politically correct, Teams’ jerseys deemed inappropriate by the tournament organizers will be asked to provide an alternative jersey or name. 


  • We encourage all individuals with an interest in spectating to be present. (Limited seating). 
  • Respect is mandatory, if spectators do not respect our players OR facilities, access will be lost. 


  • If a volleyball team is not ready 10 minutes after the posted game time, they will lose by default 2-0. We recommend the game be played regardless of if possible. 
  • Minimum 4 players on the floor to play - 2 must be female. 
  • If a team misses one game or does not meet the minimum roster requirements, then they will lose by default 2-0. 
  • If both Team Leader’s agree, the minimum requirement rule can be waived, and the game will count towards the standings. This must be decided upon before the start of the game and teams cannot change their minds once the game has started. 


  • All games are self-officiated with a game coordinator. 
  • Teams and players are responsible for their own infractions. 
  • Teams should not call the other team’s infractions as it is not their responsibility. If teams do not call their own infractions the game coordinator may step in and apply the appropriate call. 
  • Any intentional infractions will result in the player being asked to sit out the rest of the game. If a player is asked to sit out three times in the tournament games, they will be disqualified for the remainder of the tournament. 
  • Any infraction where the intent is to hurt another player will result in ejection from the tournament, possible ban from ALL Town of Drumheller sports tournaments, and lost access to our facilities. 


  • Teams should arrive at the fieldhouse 10 minutes prior to the scheduled game. 
  • A five-minute warm up will be available prior to the start of the game 
  • Games must start on time and the clock will begin at the scheduled start time. A late start will result in a shorter game. 
  • Service and sides will be determined at the start of the match by a coin toss. 


  • Substitutes may rotate in at any time during a stoppage in play. 
  • Any alternate is to rotate out players in the last position before service and rotate in players at service. 


  • A serve may be overhand or under hand, if it is done so legally 
  • Once a team has scored 5 points with the same server they must rotate one position. The team remains serving but a new server comes in from rotating. 


  • Games are played within the regular volleyball court lines. 
  • The ball is considered "in" if it strikes on or within the court lines 
  • A player may step on the centre line but may not step across the centre line. 

Game Play 

  • Games will be played to 25 and teams must win by two points - the third game of the best of three will be played to 15. If there is time the final game may be played to 25. 
  • Single round robin matches consist of two sets played to 25 points, win by 2, Cap 27 pts 
  • Elimination matches will be best two out of three sets; all sets in the Elimination round will have no cap and must be won by 2 points. Deciding set to 15 pts. 
  • Players rotate clockwise prior to their team's serve. 
  • A player may not hit the ball more than once in succession. 
  • No more than three touches may be made per team before the ball is returned over the net. 
  • A block at the net does not count as a touch. 
  • A block on a serve is illegal. 
  • The ball must be hit legally - no holding, carrying, lifting or throwing. 
  • A player cannot touch, reach over, or under the net to hit the ball. 
  • Only when returning the ball may a player follow through over the net. 
  • Back row hitting is allowed if the player leaves the ground behind the attack line or does not leave the ground at all. 

Scoring & How Teams are Rank 

  • Total game points: win (2 pts.) & a loss (0 pts.). 

At the end of the round robin, teams will be ranked based on the criteria below: 

  • Total games won (wins will be valued over ties). 
  • Point differential (total points for minus total points against). 
  • Results in the match versus the team you are tied with (if applicable). 
  • The BCF staff will flip a coin to determine who places higher. 

Guaranteed Playoffs 

  • All teams will get to one play-off game, regardless of where they finish. 


  • The tournament will not reschedule games for any reason. 
  • Should your team cancel or not show up for a scheduled game it will be a loss by default. 

Point Scoring 

Rally Point scoring - using this scoring system, a point is scored during any stoppage in play, unless it is a re-service. This means any team can score a point, whether they are serving or not. 

Points are awarded to the opposite team when: 

  • The ball touches the ground. 
  • A team has played the ball more than three times consecutively. 
  • The ball is held or pushed. 
  • The ball touches obstructions - such as basketball nets or ceiling. 
  • A player touches the ball twice consecutively. 
  • A player touches the net or a vertical marker on the antenna. 
  • A player completely crosses the centre line. 
  • A player contacts the ball above the opponent's court. 
  • A back line player, while in the attack area hits the ball into the opponent's court from above the height of the net. 
  • The ball lands outside or touches an object outside the lines of the court. 
  • The game is delayed persistently (taking longer than five seconds to serve). 
  • The players wave arms, jump or form groups of two or more, the purpose of which is to form a screen to conceal the server's actions. 
  • The served ball crosses the net with the help of a teammate. 
  • The service is blocked. 


  • Facility time is very limited. The Tournament will not reschedule games for any reason. 
  • Should your team cancel or not show up for a scheduled game it will be a loss by default. 

Substance Consumption 

  • The Town of Drumheller outdoor facilities do not allow any open alcohol. 
  • Any player or team found to be under the influence of alcohol, or other controlled substance, will be automatically ejected from the tournament without a refund. 


This is a Town of Drumheller regulated recreational tournament, we expect all players and teams to have a fun first attitude. To help enforce this style of play we ask all teams to submit a “game report” following each match. 

Any complaints about the opposing team should be brought to the attention of the tournament organizers and be done in a respectful and professional manner. 

Any issues throughout the game should be brought to the attention of your Team Leader. The Team Leader(s) and tournament organizers can discuss a solution. No one other than the Team Leader should discuss these issues with the opposition. 

Zero Tolerance Policy 

The Town of Drumheller reserves the right to remove players immediately from any facility or tournament if they are involved with any of the following acts: 

  • Using racial, ethnic, homophobic, fatphobic, gendered, transphobic, sexist, sexual, disability or other slurs. 
  • Instigating or retaliating in an altercation. 
  • Intentionally pushing, shoving, or making physical contact. 
  • Displaying disrespectful or threatening behavior. 
  • Swearing at another person. 

If a player is removed for any reason, they must vacate the facility immediately, including the parking lot. 


  • Team Leaders are responsible for reporting the final scores to the game coordinator. Teams should confirm scores after each point. 


  • Non-refundable, unless the tournament is cancelled. 
  • Registration fees are fully refundable, minus a $50 processing fee, up to 3 weeks before the beginning of the tournament. After this, the tournament assumes you have committed, and all fees are non-refundable. We require this time frame to create teams and complete scheduling. 
  • The town and its field are not responsible for lost or stolen items. 


All players must sign the waiver in order to play. It will be given on the Tournament day.


You can register Online 

Or by calling the Badlands Community Facility at (403) 823-1370

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