Huntington Water Main Break

Town crews are currently working on a water main break in the Huntington area. Residents may experience low water pressure and discoloration as crews turn and repair valves to isolate the leak and complete the repair. Should you experience discoloured water, please let the cold water run for a few minutes to flush your line clear, the water remains safe.

Notice of Public Hearing - Proposed Bylaw 15.21 with Survey for Resident Feedback

Council asked Administration to review and propose a solution for high volume industrial and commercial water customers that do not send much of their water down their sanitary service.…

Posted on: Jun. 29 2021

Recommended Elevation for Berm Construction Approved by Province

On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, the Town of Drumheller received confirmation from the Honourable Jason Nixon, Minister of Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta that construction of…

Posted on: Jun. 28 2021

Drumheller's Mandatory Mask Bylaw will end July 1

At the June 28 Regular Council Meeting, Mayor and Council voted unanimously to repeal Bylaw 20.20, also referred to as the COVID-19 Mask Bylaw, effective July 1. “We will align our community…

Posted on: Jun. 28 2021

The Approved 2021 Street Improvement Program Includes 17km of Highway 838

The 2021 Street Improvement Program (SIP) was awarded at the Regular Council Meeting tonight. This annual program implements the repairs and maintenance identified in the Town’s Capital…

Posted on: Jun. 21 2021

Leaving Dogs in Cars - Avoid Heat Exhaustion and Save Lives

As summer approaches, we want to remind everyone that it doesn’t take long to put your pet into a harmful situation when left in a vehicle on a warm or hot day. It may seem as though…

Posted on: Jun. 16 2021

Canada Day in Drumheller

Due to the extraordinary effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Town of Drumheller Canada Day Planning Committee have shared that they are unable to facilitate a traditional Canada Day Celebration…

Posted on: Jun. 10 2021

Drumheller's Indoor Recreation to Reopen June 21, 2021

As the province enters Stage 2 of the Open for Summer Plan, Drumheller’s Recreation Department is very excited and is working hard to reopen our indoor fitness facilities. This includes…

Posted on: Jun. 10 2021

Alberta Enters Stage 2 of the Alberta's Open for Summer Plan

According to Alberta's Open for Summer Plan, the province has entered Stage 2 as of June 10, 2021. This means that we have hit the two-week mark of 60% of Albertans (born in 2009 or earlier)…

Posted on: Jun. 10 2021

Flood Mitgiation Office Requests Feedback

We understand that the topic of the Flood Mitigation Project is one that residents of the Drumheller Valley have much passion and dedication to.  We hear your frustration and know that…

Posted on: Jun. 9 2021

New Interim Project Director Appointed for Flood Mitigation Program

Mayor and Council have directed administration to appoint a new interim project director for the flood mitigation program.   Drumheller Valley is a flood community. For that reason, the…

Posted on: Jun. 8 2021

I Want To