Huntington Water Main Break

Town crews are currently working on a water main break in the Huntington area. Residents may experience low water pressure and discoloration as crews turn and repair valves to isolate the leak and complete the repair. Should you experience discoloured water, please let the cold water run for a few minutes to flush your line clear, the water remains safe.

Demolition and Remediation Tender Awarded

At the regular council meeting, on July 18, the remediation and demolition of two buildings were awarded to McColman & Sons Demolition – the old Health Centre and 25 Roper Road. In addition,…

Posted on: Jul. 20 2022

Town Issues Immediate Restrictions on Irrigation Systems Due to Water Production Issues

The Drumheller Water Treatment Plant is having trouble keeping up with water demands due to the recent period of hot, dry weather and the quality of the water in the Red Deer River. Therefore,…

Posted on: Jul. 14 2022

Black Henbane - Disposal and Safety

Our teams have been notified of instances of Black Henbane throughout the Drumheller Valley. Black Henbane is considered a noxious weed in Alberta. These plants are able to mass produce…

Posted on: Jul. 14 2022

Notice of Public Hearing - Proposed Bylaw 11.22

PURPOSE: Pursuant to Sections 22 and 23, Chapter M-26 of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, the Town of Drumheller intends to consider a Bylaw to close portions of the underdeveloped…

Posted on: Jul. 6 2022

Notice of Borrowing Bylaw 09.22

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Drumheller, in the Province of Alberta, has given first reading to borrowing Bylaw No. 09.22 which will, upon final passage and approval, authorize…

Posted on: Jun. 22 2022

Notice of Borrowing Bylaw 08.22

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Drumheller, in the Province of Alberta, has given first reading to borrowing Bylaw No. 08.22 which will, upon final passage and approval, authorize…

Posted on: Jun. 22 2022

Canadian Navigable Waters Act

The Town of Drumheller hereby gives notice that three (3) submissions have been added to the Navigable Waters Registry pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for public comment described…

Posted on: Jun. 22 2022

Public Information Session for Bridge 11 in Wayne

The Town of Drumheller will be replacing Bridge 11 on Highway 10X during the summer of 2022. As a safety precaution, there was a weight restriction put on the bridge in respect to its age…

Posted on: Jun. 19 2022

The Approved 2022 Street Improvement Program Scaled Back due to Inflationary Costs

The 2022 Street Improvement Program (SIP) was awarded at a Special Council Meeting on Monday, June 13. The SIP is an annual program that implements the repair, development, replacement…

Posted on: Jun. 14 2022

Town of Drumheller under "High Streamflow Advisory"

The Town of Drumheller is actively monitoring the current and upcoming weather forecast. With an anticipated 100-150mm of rainfall expected in certain areas, our teams are working diligently…

Posted on: Jun. 13 2022

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