Recreation Update for Step 1 of the Path Forward Plan
Posted on Apr. 7 2021Badlands Community Facility
- The BCF will be open for fieldhouse and conference room bookings for activities permitted under Step 1 until further notice.
- Wedding ceremonies up to 10 people
- Funeral services up to 20 people
- Wedding receptions, funeral receptions and trade shows are not permitted.
- Individual or household one-on-one training, with a trainer
- Sessions have to be scheduled or by appointment. No drop-in or groups allowed.
- Individual workouts without a trainer are not permitted.
- One-on-one sessions cannot interact with others and there must be a minimum of 3 metres distance between pairs of trainers and clients (aka sessions) in the same facility.
- Trainers must be professional, certified and/or paid trainers who are providing active instruction and correction. Passive supervision of a physical activity is not considered training.
- More than one trainer and client ‘pair’ are allowed in the fitness area at a time provided that guidelines and restrictions are followed
- Youth recreation programming, with restrictions.
- Trainers must remain masked during the session.
- Clients are required to wear a mask while doing low-intensity exercise.
- Clients are not required to wear a mask while doing high intensity exercise.
Drumheller Aquaplex
- One-on-one or one-on-one household training is permitted. Activities may include: Swim Preschool or Swim Kids, Stroke Proficiency, Aquatic Fitness, Aquatic Therapy
- Individual workouts without a trainer are not permitted.
- Passive supervision of a physical activity is not considered training; trainers must be providing active instruction and correction
- One-on-one sessions cannot interact with others and there must be a minimum of 3 metres distance between pairs of trainers and clients (aka sessions) in the same facility.
- All sessions must be scheduled or by appointment. Availability of pool time will be limited and re-evaluated as we continue down the Path Forward Plan – please contact the Aquaplex directly to schedule a training session
- Trainers must remain masked during the session.
- Clients are required to wear a mask while doing low-intensity exercise.
- Clients are not required to wear a mask while doing high intensity exercise
Memorial Arena
- Only one-on-one or one-on-one household training is permitted for indoor fitness activities (for example, swimming pools, training figure skating on ice, one-on-one lessons).
- Sessions have to be scheduled or by appointment. No drop-in or groups allowed.
- Individual workouts without a trainer are not permitted.
- One-on-one sessions cannot interact with others and there must be a minimum of 3 metres distance between pairs of trainers and clients (aka sessions) in the same facility.
- Trainers must be professional, certified and/or paid trainers who are providing active instruction and correction. Passive supervision of a physical activity is not considered training.
- More than one trainer and client ‘pair’ are allowed into the rink, ice surface, etc. with restrictions
- Availability of ice time will be limited and re-evaluated further into the Path Forward Plan.
- Trainers must remain masked during the session.
- Clients are required to wear a mask while doing low-intensity exercise.
- Clients are not required to wear a mask while doing high intensity exercise
Supporting Documentation