Huntington Water Main Break

Town crews are currently working on a water main break in the Huntington area. Residents may experience low water pressure and discoloration as crews turn and repair valves to isolate the leak and complete the repair. Should you experience discoloured water, please let the cold water run for a few minutes to flush your line clear, the water remains safe.


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The Approved 2021 Street Improvement Program Includes 17km of Highway 838

Posted on Jun. 21 2021
Drumheller Valley Street Improvement program details, excluding Highway 838 (click to enlarge)
Drumheller Valley Street Improvement program details, excluding Highway 838 (click to enlarge)

The 2021 Street Improvement Program (SIP) was awarded at the Regular Council Meeting tonight. This annual program implements the repairs and maintenance identified in the Town’s Capital Improvement Program.

This project has been awarded to Brooks Asphalt & Aggregate Ltd., for the amount of $2,176,624.64 (excluding GST). The full tender package can be reviewed on

“Construction will begin as soon as possible, with a substantial completion of this project specified to be September 15,” begins Dave Brett, Director of Infrastructure Services. “Final completion of this project, including landscaping, is expected to be the beginning of October.”


A significant portion of this project is repaving 17km of Highway 838, from Highway 9/56 to the west town limits. Mayor and Council have been requesting the Province repair for this stretch of road way for the last few years. “I am very excited for our community that this work is happening,” states Mayor Heather Colberg. “We have heard concerns from many residents over time, and have shared those concerns with the Province. We are very grateful they have advanced the funding for this significant construction project!”

Additional areas include work in the neighbourhoods of Rosedale, Cedar Crescent, Bankview, Marshall Estates, Riverside, Willow Point, Downtown and Nacmine. Property owners of affected areas will be contacted via door hangers and letters by the contractor once the detailed schedule is available.

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