Huntington Water Main Break

Town crews are currently working on a water main break in the Huntington area. Residents may experience low water pressure and discoloration as crews turn and repair valves to isolate the leak and complete the repair. Should you experience discoloured water, please let the cold water run for a few minutes to flush your line clear, the water remains safe.


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The Approved 2022 Street Improvement Program Scaled Back due to Inflationary Costs

Posted on Jun. 14 2022
The 2022 Street Improvement Program (SIP) project areas
The 2022 Street Improvement Program (SIP) project areas

The 2022 Street Improvement Program (SIP) was awarded at a Special Council Meeting on Monday, June 13. The SIP is an annual program that implements the repair, development, replacement and maintenance identified in the Town’s Capital Improvement Program. Projects can include sidewalk repairs or development, drainage improvements and catch basin rehabilitation.

Council approved the capital budget earlier this year, which outlined $850,000 for street rehabilitation, $350,000 for sidewalk improvements/development and $25,000 for trail development, or a total of $1.225M. The request for tender for the 2022 SIP was posted on the Town of Drumheller Website as well as Alberta Purchasing Connection on May 17 and closed on May 31. Four bids were received, all of which were over budget. MPE Engineering has worked with the low bidder to reduce the scope of the project to fit within available funds.


Tendered Amount (excluding GST)

Brooks Asphalt & Aggregate


Aecon Transportation West Ltd.


Rubydale Asphalt Works


Consite Construction


“With the rising costs across all areas of construction and working with a tight budget as is, we appreciate the work Administration has done to adjust the program to reflect the allotted budget,” shared Councilor Tom Zariski. “Though we hoped to see more of the CN Trail project developed in 2022 through the SIP, we are grateful to be starting trail development this year.”

This project has been awarded to Brooks Asphalt & Aggregate Ltd., for the amount of $1,225,189.25 (excluding GST). The full tender package can be reviewed on

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