Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.


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Alberta Enters Stage 2 of the Alberta's Open for Summer Plan

Posted on Jun. 10 2021

According to Alberta's Open for Summer Plan, the province has entered Stage 2 as of June 10, 2021. This means that we have hit the two-week mark of 60% of Albertans (born in 2009 or earlier) having received at least one dose, and hospitalizations are below 500 and declining. Stage 2 means that new restriction changes are in place province wide. 

Stage 2 restriction changes include: 

  • Outdoor social gatherings – up to 20 people with distancing (indoor social gatherings still not permitted)
  • Indoor recreation, entertainment and other settings (rec centres, arenas, casinos, cinemas, theatres, museums, galleries, libraries, etc.) – open at 1/3 of fire code occupancy
  • Gyms and fitness studios – open for solo and drop-in activities and indoor fitness classes with 3 metre distancing
  • Funeral services – up to 20 people, indoors and outdoors (receptions permitted outdoors only)
  • Wedding ceremonies – up to 20 people, indoors and outdoors (receptions permitted outdoors only)
  • Places of worship – 1/3 of fire code occupancy
  • Personal and wellness services – resume walk-in service
  • Post-secondary – resume in-person learning
  • Restaurants – 6 people per table max, indoors or outdoors
  • Retail – 1/3 of fire code occupancy (must maintain ability to distance)
  • Youth activities (day camps, overnight camps, play centres) – resume with restrictions
  • Youth and adult sports – resume with no restrictions, indoors and outdoors
  • Outdoor public gatherings (concerts/festivals) – up to 150 people
  • Outdoor fixed seating facilities (grandstands) – 1/3 seated capacity
  • Work from home order is lifted but still recommended
  • Distancing and masking requirements remain in effect

COVID-19 transmission and cases will continue to be monitored. If required, a stage may be paused to respond to trends at regional or provincial levels. Sustained reopening will require Albertans to get fully vaccinated with two doses during the summer to prevent future spread. 

Supporting Documentation

COVID-19 Alberta Statistics 

Public Health Measures in Effect - Government of Alberta 

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