Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.

Staff Directory

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Councillor Tom Zariski

Phone: 403-823-1347

Tom is currently serving his fourth term as Town Councillor. 

Tom is currently serving his fourth term as Town Councillor. In 1975, Tom and his wife moved to Drumheller, where they raised two children. He taught English and Art at Drumheller Composite High School and became Principal in 1996. Tom retired from his teaching career in 2010.

Over the years, Tom has been busy with many organizations in Drumheller. He was the Co-Founder and President of the Drumheller Community Football Association, Founder of the Drumheller Community Golf Association, Chairman of the Royal Tyrrell Museum Cooperating Society. In addition, he is the President of the Newcastle Community Association.

Tom also enjoys sports, having coached soccer, volleyball, golf, and hockey. He was Vice President of the Drumheller Minor Hockey Association and Vice President of the Dinosaur Trail Golf and Country Club. Currently, he frequently participates in golf and pickleball.

With all of his community and not-for-profit work, Tom was chosen as the Town of Drumheller’s Citizen of the Year in 2001, Golf Canada’s National Volunteer of the Year in 2017, and received the Minister's Senior Service Award in 2023.

Vision: “I think that the Drumheller valley fosters a culture of resiliency - where people, businesses, ideas and a sense of community thrive. Centred by the Red Deer River valley and badlands and supported by thoughtful planning and design, Drumheller offers an exceptional quality of life at every stage due to a strong local economy and a vibrant civic culture. Respect for each other and the natural environment makes Drumheller my home.”


  • Drumheller Revitalization Company 
  • Community Standards Appeal Board
  • Drumheller and Area Health Foundation
  • Drumheller and District Seniors’ Foundation (DDSF)
  • Drumheller Standing Committee on Health
  • Palliser Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (ISDAB)

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