Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.


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Council Highlights - March 10, 2025 Committee of the Whole Meeting

Posted on Mar. 13 2025


Councillor Lacher thanked everyone who attended the Public Information Open House last Wednesday. There were approximately 350 attendees, the Town’s highest-attended open house to date. He congratulated everyone on a successful event and thanked the Town for organizing it.  

Councillor Price announced the Badlands Community Facility (BCF) is partnering with Amber Dawn Wellness to host a weekend of fitness, wellness and relaxation. The Empower and Peace Retreat, is April 25-27 and is limited to 50 participants. Contact the BCF to register.

Councillor Kolafa informed the public that Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors (ATEC) is changing Highway 838 at St. Anthony’s School. The speed limit between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm on school days will be 30 km/hr within the school zone. The speed limit will remain 70 km/hr outside the school zone.  Questions about this change can be forwarded to ATEC by calling 403-823-1788.

Councillor Zariski thanked Lynn Fabrick and the organizers for the March 9, 2025 Blanket Exercise. It was attended by 35-40 people and highlighted a visual representation of Indigenous history in Alberta.


Council accepted as information minutes for the Drumheller & District Senior’s Foundation, the Municipal Planning Commission, and the Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) Committee. All submitted minutes can be found in the agenda package. 


S/Sgt. Harms presented a letter requesting the assistance of elected officials in identifying and establishing detachment priorities for the upcoming fiscal year, beginning April 1, 2025. He reviewed the current policing priorities and the initiatives that have been implemented to address them. Additionally, S/Sgt. Harms presented the third quarter municipal report from the RCMP to the Council, which contains insights into the Real Time Operations Centre (RTOC), which supports RCMP detachments throughout Alberta. He provided a staffing update, reported 24% reduction in criminal code violations, and reminded Council that officers in Drumheller are wearing body cameras. If anyone is interested in how they are being used, please scan the QR code located in S/Sgt. Harms’ report. 


Council passed a resolution to close the meeting to the public to discuss Local Public Body Confidences and Advice from Officials in accordance with FOIP clauses 23 and 24.

>>Review the agenda

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