Drumheller RCMP Seeks Community Feedback
Posted on Mar. 3 2021
The Drumheller RCMP is seeking community feedback from residents within their jurisdiction to help identify and address community safety and security issues.
“We continue to strive to meet our community’s needs,” explains Staff Sergeant of the Drumheller Detachment, Edmond Bourque. “Tell us what your policing priorities are, from your first-hand knowledge of living in our detachment area. Once we have your input, we will utilize the information toward building our Annual Performance Plan for policing priorities to ensure we are striving to provide you the best service possible.”
An Annual Performance Plan (APP) helps the Drumheller Detachment cater their policing approach by incorporating initiatives and encompass most, if not all, of the feedback generated from this annual survey.
The coverage areas the Drumheller Detachment is seeking feedback from includes Beynon, Cambria, Carbon, Dalum, Delia, Dorothy, Drumheller, Dunphy, East Coulee, Hesketh, Kirkpatrick, Little Fish Lake, Michichi, Morrin, Munson, Nacmine, Redland, Rosebud, Rosedale, Rowley, Rumsey, Scollard, Sharples, Trefoil, Verdant Valley and Wayne.
The APP Survey will be online only this year, and will be available until March 24, 2021. The results will be shared on Drumheller.ca