Council Approves Funding for Upgrades at the Drumheller Memorial Arena
Posted on Sep. 22 2021
At the Regular Council Meeting on Monday, September 20, Mayor and Council approved Town Administration’s request for additional funding to address two challenges in the Drumheller Memorial Arena. The friendly amendment to the initial motion included a total of $210,000 to be allocated to an additional change room for participants, as well as skate-safe flooring in the lobby.
“We worked with Drumheller Minor Hockey Association back in 2019 to develop a concept and cost estimate for the construction of a dedicated change room for participants,” begins Dave Brett, Director of Infrastructure Services. “This concept was used to apply for grant funding through the Co-op Community Spaces Fund but was, unfortunately, unsuccessful.”
Administration requested an additional $20,000 from operations surplus to invest in conceptual engineering and construction estimate, $40,000 from operations surplus for the rental of a change room with washroom amenities for immediate use, and $150,000 from reserves for the construction of the project for a total of $210,000. The vote for approval was unanimous among Mayor and Council.
“The goal will be to retrofit additional space for a change room onto the 50-year-old building,” continues Brett. “We will lose some parking at the north-east side of the arena; however, this is such a great and needed addition to our facility and our community. We recognize and appreciate the public support on this project, and are happy to have received more support from Mayor and Council than we initially requested.”
Administration will continue to work with user groups to hopefully acquire grant-funding in the next year, and have the work completed no later than the start of the 2023/2024 season.