Council Advises Recreation Facilities to Implement 'Restrictions Exemption Program'
Posted on Sep. 23 2021
After a lengthy discussion at Monday’s Regular Council Meeting, Council gave direction to the Town of Drumheller’s Recreation Department to implement the Restrictions Exemption Program (REP) at all facilities and for all user groups attending their facilities starting on Monday, September 27, 2021. Initially, Drumheller had announced that the recreation facilities would not yet be imposing the REP and would limit to 1/3 capacity at their recreation facilities.
“The primary focus during our response to the COVID-19 pandemic has always been the health and safety of our patrons and our staff,” begins Darren Goldthorpe, Manager of Recreation, Arts and Culture. “We are committed to ensuring that all of our recreation facilities respect patron and staff privacy, dignity, and confidentiality. At this time, we will be asking users to show our staff their proof of vaccination each time they come in, and at point of registration for upcoming fitness classes.”
The Town of Drumheller’s recreation facilities’ staff will not be recording vaccine information or rapid test results in any fashion. Users should come prepared with their documentation and identification each time they enter the Badlands Community Facility, Drumheller Aquaplex and/or Memorial Arena.
The Restrictions Exception Program, often referred to as a vaccine passport, vaccine certificate, or vaccination status card, permits in-scope businesses, entities and organizers to operate without most public health restrictions as outlined in Order 43-2021.
Operators do not need to apply to enforce the Restrictions Exemption Program, but must follow or exceed the program requirements at all times, including requiring all patrons/attendees aged 12 and over to provide valid:
- Proof of vaccination;
- Proof of a privately-paid negative rapid test result taken within 72 hours of service; or
- Documentation of a medical exemption.
To enter spaces participating in the Restrictions Exemption Program, people ages 12 and older can provide proof of vaccination.
- Valid photo identification that matches the vaccine record (only required for adults 18 and over)
- Valid paper or digital vaccine record that shows name, vaccine type and date of administration:
- From September 20 to October 25: proof of partial vaccination (one dose) is considered acceptable as long as the dose was given more than 2 weeks before the time of service.
- First dose example: participants who have received their first vaccination on September 20, would be able to access the facility on October 4
- After October 25: proof of full vaccination (two doses) is required.
- Second dose example: participants as of October 25 must have their second dose prior to October 11
“Please remember, our staff are challenged with having to follow through with the Restrictions Exemption Program,” continues Goldthorpe. “Please be kind to them, this is hard for them too. Abusive behaviour toward our staff at our facilities will not be tolerated.”
The measures are as follows:
Town Hall and Public Works
- As per current provincial guidelines, Town Hall and Public Works are not eligible to participate in the Restrictions Exemption Program.
- Masking continues to be required in all areas of the facility, unless:
- Workers are at their work stations.
- Town Hall will remain open to the public.
- Public Works will remain open to the public by appointment only.
Badlands Community Facility (BCF)
- Masking continues to be required in all areas of the facility, unless:
- Workers are at their work stations.
- Users are engaged in physical activity.
- Adult (over 18) indoor sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities including competitions, training and other activities are permitted (September 27).
- Drop-in and members aged 12-17 years of age are not required to show proof of vaccination if they are engaged in organized sport or recreation.
- Wedding and Funeral receptions are permitted
- Liquor consumption may reflect the current liquor license of the facility.
- Spectators are required to participate in the REP; masking is required
Drumheller Aquaplex
- Masking continues to be required in all areas of the facility, unless:
- Workers are at their work stations.
- Users are engaged in physical activity.
- Masks will be required on deck before lessons and in the change rooms.
- Drop-in and members aged 12-17 years of age are not required to show proof of vaccination if they are engaged in organized sport or recreation.
- Spectators are required to participate in the REP; masking is required
Drumheller Memorial Arena
- Masking continues to be required in all areas of the facility, unless:
- Users are engaged in physical activity.
- All drop-in activities, including family skate, stick and puck and shinny will be suspended until further notice.
- Spectators are required to participate in the REP; masking is required
Drumheller Public Library
- Masking continues to be required in all areas of the facility, unless:
- Workers are at their work stations.
- As per current provincial guidelines, libraries are not eligible to participate in the Restrictions Exemption Program.
Municipal Elections
- Masking continues to be required in all areas
- Proof of vaccination is not required to enter a polling place and cast a ballot.
The Town of Drumheller is working with user groups to ensure compliance of the Restrictions Exemption Program prior to renting space. This includes the BCF, Aquaplex and Arena.