Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.


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Demolition and Remediation Tender Awarded

Posted on Jul. 20 2022
Drumheller Health Centre will be demolished later this year
Drumheller Health Centre will be demolished later this year

At the regular council meeting, on July 18, the remediation and demolition of two buildings were awarded to McColman & Sons Demolition – the old Health Centre and 25 Roper Road. In addition, the remediation and demolition of the Nacmine Hotel, Consortium and 109 4 Street W in Lehigh were awarded by Administration separately.

On the closing date of July 6, 2022, six bids were received. The remediation and demolition services for each property were evaluated for an award on an individual basis. The Town had the option to select one contractor to perform the demolition of all properties as one package, or individual contractors to demolish one or more properties. 

As such, the projects have been awarded to:  



Bid Cost 

Health Centre 

McColman Sons Demolition 



Zeuss Demo Recycling 


Nacmine Hotel 

Titan Contracting Demolition 


Residential (109 4 Street W) 

Titan Contracting Demolition 


Residential (25 Roper) 

McColman Sons Demolition 


The bids were all competitive with one another and, upon review of similar demolition projects in Alberta and the greater Drumheller region, the costs per square foot of the demolition are within the current market values.  

The removal of derelict buildings continues to build the Town of Drumheller as a desirable community to live and work and emphasizes growth and development while protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public. 

“Combining the demolition projects has allowed the Town to be efficient in the workflow process as well as the fiscal advantages that offer cost-savings which are critical with the rising costs of goods we are experiencing,” explains Dave Brett, Director of Infrastructure Services. “We designed this tender to allow a variety of organizations to bid on specific projects within the tender itself. This offered competitive bidding among the applicants; however, we were hoping to see even one local contractor submit a bid on this project. Unfortunately, that was not the case.” 

Property owners within proximity of the sites will be contacted directly by the contractor. The Town is working with the project management group, Colliers Project Leaders, to organize a community event on the demolition day of the Old Hospital. Details of the event will be shared on, the Drumheller Mail, DrumhellerOnline Community Events, and the Town’s social media channels.


Supporting documentation:

July 18, 2022 Regular Council Meeting - Agenda 

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