Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.


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Town Issues Immediate Restrictions on Irrigation Systems Due to Water Production Issues

Posted on Jul. 14 2022

The Drumheller Water Treatment Plant is having trouble keeping up with water demands due to the recent period of hot, dry weather and the quality of the water in the Red Deer River. Therefore, the Town of Drumheller is implementing a water-use restriction for all irrigation systems within the municipality.   

Under Schedule “B” of the Water and Wastewater Bylaw, the Town of Drumheller may implement Water Demand Management Measures to restrict water usage. All irrigation systems, including Town irrigation systems, are being directed to be turned off in order to reduce demand on the municipal water system. This is a temporary and mandatory restriction.  

All impacted parties will be contacted and provided a letter with details about this water restriction.  In addition, the Rotary Spray Park, which takes water directly for the Town water system, will be shut off. The Fountain and Aquaplex use recirculated filtered water and will remain open. While the Town wishes to limit the impact on the general public, additional controls may be required. These would include measures that impact high water volume users. 

We encourage residents to be conscious of their non-essential water usage. These restrictions and considerations will allow the Town to ensure the continuous supply of water for household use and fire protection.  

Updates will be provided on the Town of Drumheller social media accounts and Once the municipal water system production concerns are alleviated, notification to all impacted parties will be delivered.  

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