Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.


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Notice of Application - East Coulee Waste Water System EPEA Application No. 007-663

Posted on Jan. 7 2025

In accordance with the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Town of Drumheller 
has applied to Alberta Environment and Parks for renewal to an existing approval for the East 
Coulee Wastewater Treatment Plant. The wastewater system is located at NE of Section 29 Township 027 Range 18 West of the 4th Meridian (224 Centre Street, Drumheller, AB, T0J 

The wastewater treatment plant consists of wastewater equalization, sedimentation, 
sedimentation sludge removal, Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) treatment, chemical 
phosphorus removal treatment and Ultra Violet Disinfection treatment system. The treated wastewater is discharged continuously to Red Deer River from plant outfall pipe located at NE 
of Section 29 Township 027 Range 18 West of the 4th Meridian. 

A directly affected person may provide input into certain regulatory decisions, as allowed by the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (section 73). Specifically, any person who is directly affected by this application may submit a written statement of concern within 30 days of the date of this notice to:  

Environment and Protected Areas 
Regulatory Assurance Section 
Approvals Unit 
5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza 
9915 - 108 ST 
Fax: (780) 422-0154 

The written statement of concern should include the following: 

  • The application number 007-633
  • Describe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
  • Explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by the activities proposed in the application
  • Provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the filer where the concerns described are believed to be applicable
  • State the distance between the land owned or used by the filer and the site in the application
  • Contact information including the full name and mailing address of the filer. Please provide a telephone number and/or email address for ease of contact.

Environment and Protected Areas will review each written statement of concern, seek more information if needed, and notify each filer by letter of the decision to accept or reject their written submission as a valid statement of concern.  The Public Notice of this application will also be posted on the Department’s website at 

Statements of concern submitted regarding this application are public records which are accessible by the public and the applicant. Failure to file a statement of concern may affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board.

Copies of the application and additional information can be obtained from: 
Town of Drumheller 
Attention: Bill Adams 
Telephone: 403-823-0008

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