Notice of Public Hearing - Bylaw 18.21 (Land Use Bylaw Amendments)
Posted on Aug. 9 2021
PURPOSE: To consider a bylaw to make amendments to the Land Use Bylaw 16.20
In accordance with Municipal Government Act M-26, Section 191(1) an amendment or repeal must be made in the same way as the original bylaw.
Land Use Bylaw 16.20 was passed in December 2020 and took effect on March 1, 2021. It was identified at the time that there would be reviews of the bylaw to ensure the intent of the changes were correct, correct omissions and revise the document as necessary.
Any person adversely or otherwise affected by this action and wishing to address Council relating to this matter shall contact or 403-823-1339 to make arrangements to attend the Council meeting on August 23, 2021.
The Town of Drumheller will hold remote virtual Public Hearing during the Regular Council Meeting on Monday August 23, 2021, beginning at 5:30pm.
The Public Hearing will be live streamed at
Persons wishing to submit a letter, email or other communication concerning these matters in advance of the Public Hearing may do so by sending it to: Legislative ServicesTown of Drumheller 224 Centre Street, Drumheller, Alberta T0J 0Y4 or email at
Written submissions will be received up to Thursday August 19, 2021, at 12:00 p.m.
A copy of the proposed bylaw is available online at: