Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.


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Drumheller Aquaplex Construction Update - January 2024

Posted on Jan. 11 2024

As we move into 2024, we are looking forward to some exciting projects. The teams over at the Aquaplex have let us know that repair and renovation work is nearing completion and is entering into the final stages! 

We started our annual shut down with the intention of completing the following items: 

  • Touching up the peeling paint on the North pool wall; 
  • Repairing gutters and cracks in the hot tub; 
  • Repainting the diving board base; 
  • Painting the changerooms; 
  • Cleaning all of the gutters, grates and skimmers around the pool; and  
  • Replacing aging grates and skimmer covers.  

While completing the work, a leak in the drain for the entire pool was discovered, resulting in our teams having to repair and renovate most of the pump and filtration system. This work was significant and time-consuming and required several contractor teams to be involved with the process. In the end, the work that has been completed will make the Aquaplex safer for employees to operate and maintain the pool and will provide a more reliable facility for the public to enjoy.  

The latest timeline adjustment is due to our current and next steps, which includes the following: 

  • Completing concrete work to enclose the replaced piping systems. This work should be completed early next week. 
  • Once the concrete is ready, the pool mechanical contractor can complete the assembly of the remaining piping systems, which should take approximately a week to complete. 
  • Following the installation and testing of the piping, the pool can be filled, heated and circulation can begin to prepare for water testing by AHS. This typically takes 4-6 days.  
  • Once the test results are approved, the Aquaplex will reopen to the public. We expect this to happen by the end of January, barring any unforeseen issues.  

As we near the end of this construction period, we will be providing updates to the public at each step of the way to ensure that the reopening is clearly communicated to all.  

We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time, and look forward to the final steps before welcoming your smiling faces back into the Aquaplex! If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to our Aquaplex staff by calling 403-823-1370.  

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