Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.


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2023 Fee Schedule Approved by Council

Posted on Dec. 21 2022

To support the services that contribute to the quality of life of residents throughout the Drumheller Valley, the municipality depends on revenue from property taxes and user fees, rates and charges. The most notable increases will occur to the Drumheller Municipal Airport. To ensure that the Airport becomes self-sustaining, new fees will be introduced in 2023 to aid in revenue generation, including hangar rental fees, meeting room and classroom rental fees, ramp lease fees and nominal fees for aircraft over 6,000 lbs.  

The Town of Drumheller Fee Schedule includes fees for the airport, public works services, admission fees to the pool and BCF, cemetery, development permits and rental spaces at the recreational facilities.  On average, changes to the Fee Schedule equate to 2.5%, but services such as animal licensing and safety code permits will not see increases at this time. 

All fees are reviewed annually and adjusted accordingly to recover costs in accordance with cost trends in our Town as well as analyses of comparable municipalities.  User fee increases are necessary as the current inflation rate being significantly higher than in previous years. 

The 2023 Fee Schedule can be reviewed by clicking here

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