Notice of Public Hearing - Proposed Bylaw 11.22
Posted on Jul. 6 2022
PURPOSE: Pursuant to Sections 22 and 23, Chapter M-26 of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, the Town of Drumheller intends to consider a Bylaw to close portions of the underdeveloped Streets depicted on:
SCHEDULE - 1 … AS AREAS – ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ ‘E’ and ‘F’
and to use these lands for flood mitigation works and matters related thereto and to hold or sell any surplus lands as Council sees fit.
A map showing the proposed road closures and a copy of the Proposed Road Closure Bylaw 11.22 is available for inspection at the Town of Drumheller office located at 224 Centre Street, Drumheller, Alberta T0J 0Y4 or online at:
Any person adversely affected by this proposed road closure or otherwise wishing to address Council related to this issue shall attend the Council meeting of The Town of Drumheller at 5:30 p.m. on the 2nd day of August 2022 to be held in Council chambers and / or using a virtual platform at the Town of Drumheller office; said meeting being convened to provide the public at large an opportunity to be heard in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
Persons wishing to submit a letter, email or other communication concerning these matters in advance of the Public Hearing may do so by sending it to:
Legislative Services
Town of Drumheller
224 Centre Street
Drumheller, Alberta
T0J 0Y4;
or email at
Submissions will be received up to Thursday, July 28th, 2022 at 10:00am.
Any person adversely or otherwise affected by this action and wishing to address Council relating to this matter shall contact or 403-823-1339 to make arrangements to attend the Council meeting on August 2, 2022.