Community Standards Bylaw - Priorities Survey

The Town is updating its Community Standards Bylaw and wants your feedback. This bylaw regulates private property maintenance, nuisance noise, and other neighbourhood issues. We want to know what issues you think are most important.


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Dry Pond Reservoir Cleaning Schedule

Posted on Sep. 15 2023

Starting on September 29, 2023, the Town of Drumheller will have contractors working to complete dry pond reservoir cleaning. In the Town of Drumheller, there are four dry pond reservoirs in residential areas. These reservoirs are large dry ponds, built by the Town, that are designed to control the flow of stormwater in high rainstorm events. 

During these events, the dry pond will hold a majority of the stormwater, and is designed to release smaller amounts of water into an outfall. This release protects the residential communities from damage present with flooding. The dry pond reservoirs need to be cleaned periodically due to the accumulation of sediment and vegetation. This accumulation restricts the capacity of water that then can be stored. 

Throughout the duration of the dry pond reservoir cleaning, contractors will be using heavy equipment to remove the sediment and vegetation. A dedicated haul route to the Drumheller Landfill will then be utilized to ensure the least disruptive practice among residents. 

Residents in these impacted areas will notice a higher than normal traffic flow, and appropriate signage will be placed in these areas. 

The Town of Drumheller dry pond reservoir cleaning schedule for the next three years is as follows: 

  • Hunts Crescent Dry Pond Reservoir - September 29, 2023 until October 20, 2023
  • Huntington Park Dry Pond Reservoir - September 8, 2025 until October 1, 2025
  • 12 Street Southwest Dry Pond Reservoir - September 8, 2026 until October 1, 2026
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