Huntington Water Main Break

Town crews are currently working on a water main break in the Huntington area. Residents may experience low water pressure and discoloration as crews turn and repair valves to isolate the leak and complete the repair. Should you experience discoloured water, please let the cold water run for a few minutes to flush your line clear, the water remains safe.


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Notice of Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Hearing - ISDAB2022 - 10.11

Posted on Nov. 2 2022


File No.:

Permit No:

ISDAB2022 - 10.11



Country Residential


New Construction- Accessory Building – 32’x40’ – In Conveyance Zone, with 50% Side Yard Variance and 20% Front Yard Variance Refused


Lot 10, Block 12, Plan 131072

Appeal Received:

October 11, 2022


Curt Panisiak

Appeal Hearing Date:

Wednesday, November 9th  2022 – 9:30AM

Submissions Deadline:

Monday, November 7th at 4:00pm

Hearing Location:

The hearing will be a hybrid meeting.


In Person Location: Town of Drumheller Council Chambers, 224 Centre Street

Zoom Platform: A Link will be sent to those participating in the hearing  

Live Streamed:  Drumheller Valley YouTube Channel.


Palliser Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board has received an appeal regarding a Development Permit issued regarding the above noted lands. 

In accordance with Section 686(2) of the Municipal Government Act, a hearing will be held on Wednesday November 9th, 2022, at 9:30AM.

You are being notified of the hearing as you may be affected by the Development Permit and may wish to make oral or written submissions to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.  If you choose to do so, written submissions for inclusion in the agenda package for the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board regarding this appeal must be received by the clerk on or before Monday November 7th  2022 at 4:00PM.  This will allow time for all parties to review written submissions prior to the hearing. If you would like to participate in the hearing and make a presentation to the Board regarding this appeal, please contact the clerk for information.

The documents associated with this hearing are available online at under Development and Planning; please check back as it will be updated as information is added. Alternatively, an appointment can be made with the hearing clerk to view the document.

ISDAB Clerk Information

Written submissions can be emailed to Denise Lines at

Paper copies can be mailed or dropped off at 224 Centre Street Drumheller AB, T0J 0Y4,

ATTN: Denise Lines ISDAB2022 – 10.11.

For any questions or concerns, please call 403-823-1339.

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